sensors - getz benchmark

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Adapter: ISA adapter
+12V:         +11.70 V  (min = +11.40 V, max = +12.60 V)
+5V:           +4.90 V  (min =  +4.76 V, max =  +5.23 V)
Vcore:         +1.45 V  (min =  +0.85 V, max =  +1.60 V)
+3.3V:         +3.31 V  (min =  +3.07 V, max =  +5.71 V)
VDDA:          +2.52 V  (min =  +2.20 V, max =  +2.80 V)
in6:           +0.20 V  (min =  +0.94 V, max =  +2.38 V)  ALARM
3VSB:          +4.01 V  (min =  +4.49 V, max =  +3.79 V)  ALARM
Vbat:          +3.31 V  
CPU Fan:      2319 RPM  (min =  600 RPM)
CPU Fan opt:     0 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)
Chassis FAN1:    0 RPM  (min =  399 RPM)  ALARM
CPU Temp:      +48.0°C  (low  =  +0.0°C, high = +70.0°C)  sensor = thermistor
M/B Temp:      +40.0°C  (low  =  +0.0°C, high = +60.0°C)  sensor = thermistor
intrusion0:   OK

Adapter: PCI adapter
CPU Temp:     +34.2°C  (high = +70.0°C)
                       (crit = +90.0°C, hyst = +87.0°C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
power1:       97.29 W  (crit = 219.76 W)

Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:        +38.0°C  

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